Papers, Please’s cult puzzle is 10 years old

Papers, Please’s cult puzzle is 10 years old

There were many memorable dates in the game world, and 2013, of course, became one of them. If we talk about blockbusters, it was the year that gave us The Last of US and Grand Theft Auto 5, whose influence and popularity are acutely felt even after 10 years. But that year, noticeable indie projects appeared – on August 8, 2013, Papers, Please came out.

Developed by Lucas Poup, this seemingly ordinary game in a gloomy fictional state in which you play for an employee of the migration service at a checkpoint of a checkpoint. Every day it takes place in checking the passports of migrants and returning citizens, and then in putting stamps – approval, refusal or even detaining those who, according to fake documents, may be a suspect in a crime or terrorism.

At the same time, the game has new scenarios that violate the monotony of work: at first it is a shocking terrorist attack that not only interrupts the working day, but also recalls that tension constantly reigns in the background. The gameplay, however, does not depart from the fact that you are constantly returning to your desktop and do the same thing, even adding new mechanics, such as checking more confusing permits for the entrance or complete scanning of the incoming body. Within the walls of your oppressive table, you have to make a moral choice, for example, to allow a couple to enter together, even if your wife does not have the necessary documents, as well as have fun over George’s constant appearance, a clearly dubious, but charming guy who almost always appears with any false documents.

Papers, Please received mainly positive reviews of critics of leading game publications, Metacritic rating is 85 out of 100. The developer also received a number of prestigious premiums in the field of computer games, including BAFTA (in the nomination "Best strategy or simulation".

In 2018, the premiere of a fan short film took place, and this year the game received a major update and moved to a new engine.