Phil Spencer congratulated the Happy Birthday “A game that has forever changed video games”

Phil Spencer congratulated the Happy Birthday “A game that has forever changed video games”

Few games had such an impact on their genres, which is the doom for jokes in the first person, so it is not surprising that many representatives of the industry write on the network about the 30th anniversary of the franchise. However, now the rights to the game belong to Microsoft, and Phil Spencer (Phil Spencer & Co.) already managed to congratulate his new birthday game on social networks.

Boss Xbox called doom "a game that has forever changed video games" In his personal message in X, dedicated to the anniversary:

Aaron Greenberg (Aaron Greenberg) from the Xbox department also wrote about this significant achievement, calling several famous games for the Xbox, which were inspired by the epochal shooter from ID Software:

Congratulations to everyone who has contributed to the creation of Doom over the past 30 years. Remember the feeling when you first felt the magic of this fps. Without doom, we would not have Halo, GEARS and many other wonderful shooters.

They are both right – DOOM really formed the genre of the first -person shooter, as we know him today, so he absolutely deserves such a high rating that he receives on his birthday. Happy Birthday Doom, Halo and Call of Duty owe you to their success in many ways!

Birthday is a sad holiday, Phil was very sad that day (

Doom and Half-Life two legends

I wish the new Dumchansky would have done!So that the hero is also a brutal fighter of evil spirits!

I’m sure there will be. All will be.

Well, when it will be?The main thing is that no snot is piled!As it was with the god of war!

I agree. If the thoughts fall into this business, then what else to hope for? I think they announce during the year

And where did you get the idea that during the year the announcement will do?There are some informants?

No, I just would have done it) 4-5 years after the last Eternal, it’s time to show something and let out a year later

And I just remind you that Doom Eternal is a based modern shooter 10/10.

The third was good! Unclean health school, and a little surround the horror and this is in 2004 and it was cool! And from that time it was expected from the future that the games will become multi -gaming, and they are all one -haired, but one -haired, which is incredibly sparing. There is nothing complicated in the multijances, yes, to maintain technically patch is troublesome, but really, several engines stuffed several engines into one game and between them the transition through the boot menu. If the space game, then on the ship you fly from a third person or from the first – a view from the cabin, flew to the planet, which is not colonized open the strategic regime menu and sculpt the buildings for which you have resources as in strategy, after building you land, through the download menu Beautiful, the video file of the landing is shown by one core of the processor, all the nuclei of the rest are loaded with locations and textures, landed, came out of the ship and the engine of the health site or from the third person, climb the locations that you built in the strategic menu before the landing. And now three engines have been working! Yes, even at the end of the 90s, it was technically possible to realize, and even more so today, but for some reason no one does it, and all one-haired games are sculpted.

Waiting for distribution day 3

It is a pity that now all sorts of joining are profitable in this classic.

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